One primary concern of the pandemic is the loss of connection with the people and places removed from your child’s life. Friends and family, obviously, but school is an integral part of their daily routine, and the lack of it can become an issue. However, maintaining contact with the school is essential for you to as a parent, both from maintaining the learning experience for children and preparing them for the eventual end of this challenging time.
You can do several things to get involved with the school and its activities, but that begins with ensuring they have accurate contact information. You wouldn’t want to miss out on activities or initiatives because of a wrong phone number or email address. You can also let them know you want to play an active role in the school during the pandemic if you can. Schools are looking for all the support and creative ideas they can get right now.
Take a quick look around the school website. From the event announcements to information about the staff, there is usually plenty of useful stuff you may not have seen before. Visit regularly to stay up to date with everything they are doing. It can help you find activities that you and your child can participate in, whether individually or as a team.
Connecting with the School
There is a lot of pressure on parents to maintain education and keep children healthy during this difficult time. Having other people, you can talk to about these things will undoubtedly help. You can communicate with teachers and support staff from the school by email, phone, or video chat if they use those tools.
Professional educators are great people to talk to if you doubt your child’s progress during the lockdown. You can receive advice on motivating them and new ideas to keep things fresh. If you need help with delivering assignments or want clarification on a virtual activity, you can gain a lot of confidence from a brief chat with teachers. You can also build a strong relationship that will last into the return to school and provide additional feedback on your child’s readjustment to school life when it is time.